產品目錄 > 導航 > 羅盤



Price: HK$1788.22

P/N: 1045038
Magni-fication 7
� objective lens 50
Focus Eye focus
Tightness Waterproof
Color Black and yellow
Height 200mm
Weight 900g
RM Floating and waterproof binoculars, high resolution optics, eyes focusing. Binoculars with built-in compass. Light with batteries. Compass fully operational between 40� and 60� North latitude

Plastimo is a renowned marine equipment brand, established in 1963. Known for its innovative and high-quality products, Plastimo offers a wide range of boating essentials, including life jackets, liferafts, compasses, and deck equipment2. With a strong focus on safety, ergonomics, and enjoyable boating experiences, Plastimo has built a solid reputation in the boating industry over its 60-year history.

官方網站 Plastimo: www.plastimo.com
REF#: PLA-1045038

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